Monday, February 6, 2012

Chapter 1 Understanding the Power of PLNs

Understanding the Power of PLNs
               I have finished the first chapter of the Personal Learning Networks book. Will Richardson and Rob Mancabelli really want to drive the point home that the old way of learning is out and the new way, infused with technology, is the way of the changing world. They go on to describe the six shifts supporting connection and network building, all of which I tend to agree with. The one thing that is going to have to remember is Isolated to Connected. In a sense we can become isolated by being connected all the time. A perfect personal experience of isolation by being connected occurred at the mall just the other day. While walking around the mall a majority of the shoppers had their cell phone out either texting, or on Facebook updating a status, it is not necessarily a bad thing and only goes to show that world is connected all the time. We just have to remember to unplug every once in a while.
               The tools are now readily available to become more connected with the people around us, as students and teachers it has never been easier to contact or make a connection outside the classroom. From Facebook to Skype, and Twitter to My Space, it has never been easier to make yourself heard. The chapter does make a good point but fails to elaborate on the subject and that is the idea of being able to trust everything that is out there on the internet. Student and teachers alike have to be cautious of accessible content and not cross moral boundaries when searching for knowledge. It states that students are responsible for their own education; well for the older student that is true but the younger students I believe it is up to the teacher to share the burden of responsibility of education.  
               All in all I am open and willing to incorporate a learning network into a classroom in the future. I am excited to learn and find out more about the possibilities to advance the learning experience. I do have a grasp on technology but have a lot to learn about setting up Personal Learning Networks. It seems as if future teachers are going to have to embrace technology and incorporate it in to the classroom, but we have to be mindful that it stays a valuable tool and not distraction.  All though there are a lot of connections to made and technology has always been interesting  to me we all have to remember to unplug and take a break from it once in a while. 


  1. " In a sense we can become isolated by being connected all the time." This is a very big and important social issue that will become more and more of a problem in the future, I believe.

  2. I am also exciteed to learn more about the possibilities using technology in classrooms!
